After announcing his marriage plans, actress Han Groo accused pregnant out of wedlock. On October 4, yesterday, Han Groo shocked fans by announcing that he would soon marry.
Reportedly he was going to marry a man of non-celebrities. Both are known to start revealing the relationship in public, since last May. Hearing the news of the sudden marriage, the public immediately cast accusations when Han Groo was pregnant out of wedlock. He immediately respond to these rumors by saying, "I'm almost finished with the whole preparation. Now we stay focused with things that are lacking." "There must be lots of people who think that I've been pregnant out of wedlock, but it is not. We are in love and he was very good to me, so I'm very confident with our relationship. There is absolutely not pregnant out of wedlock, "firmly actress. While Han Groo the wedding ceremony planned to be held behind closed doors, on 8 November.
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