Idol groups are often complimented for pulling off performances flawlessly, but sometimes some surprising situations can happen on stage.
Stage accidents can sometimes be dangerous, but other times minor errors lead to surprises that can make everyone laugh. From unfortunate slips to hilarious awkward scenarios, netizens compiled a series of situations that surprised both idols and fans.
CLC – Yoojin
BTS – Jin
I’ve seen girl groups lose their heels before but not this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
BTS – Rap Monster
Trying to keep it PG-15 when his shirt ripped during performance ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Microphone (almost) drops
Hey you, give me some water…No? ㅂ3ㅂ
Suho won’t be drinking any water
D.O trying to hide
AOA – Choa ㅠㅠ
who’s actually more popular nowadays after such mishap
who’s actually more popular nowadays after such mishap
Taemin got scared by a moth
Sunmi gets rid of bugs that have taken over her stage prop
BTOB – Minhyuk ripped his pants
SHINee made a mistake during their performance
SG WannabeThings as small as confetti don’t phase the veterans of K-Pop
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